How Can You Mend a Broken Group? The Bee Gees Did It With Disco
The saga of a not-so-average white band
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Bee Gees: The Saga of a Not-So-Average White Band
Below is an excerpt of an article that originally appeared in RS 243 from July, 14, 1977. This issue and the rest of the Rolling Stone archives are available via Rolling Stone Plus, Rolling Stone's premium subscription plan. If you are already a subscriber, you can click here to see the full story. Not a […]
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For Pink Floyd, space has always been the ultimate escape. It still is, but now definitions have shifted. The romance of outer space has been replaced by the horror of spacing out. This shift has been coming for a while. There was Dark Side of the Moon and "Brain Damage," Wish You Were Here and […]
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Almost two years have passed since "Lady Marmalade," Labelle's voulez-vous coucher Creole hooker disco funk single, and it should be apparent that they're not going to record anything like a followup. Like Stevie Wonder, Labelle is more inclined to comment on the disco phenomenon than to capitalize on it; their ambition is to shuffle minds, […]
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